In April, supported by the Arts Council/British Council Artist’s International Development Fund, I went to Dhaka, Bangladesh, to workshop my play MAD BEES RIOT IN THE LIGHT.
I haven’t had time yet to properly put together a narrative of the whole trip, but here are some images I tweeted at the time. Hopefully they give you a flavour of the amazing time we had.
Just arriving home after a dream #AIDF@BritishCouncil@ace_national trip to Bangladesh to workshop my play #MADBEESRIOTINTHELIGHT …
— Ben Musgrave (@BenMusgrave1) April 20, 2017
A wonderful company capture magic, heartbreak and chaos in #MadBees #AIDF workshop at Shilpakala. @ace_national @bdBritish @BritishArts …
— Ben Musgrave (@BenMusgrave1) April 20, 2017
Our intl team in thrilling collaboration, bringing together artists from across the Bd theatre scene. #AIDF @BritishArts @ace_national
— Ben Musgrave (@BenMusgrave1) April 20, 2017
All power to incredible Rosamunde Hutt, Ishrat Nishat, Naila Azad, who made something from nothing in 3 days #AIDF @BritishArts @bdBritish
— Ben Musgrave (@BenMusgrave1) April 20, 2017
Magnificent Imogen (@ForeignBodyPlay ) and Lisa in #MADBEES #AIDF showing at EMK centre in Dhaka.
— Ben Musgrave (@BenMusgrave1) April 23, 2017